Sport grades for running for Unified Sports Classification System of Russia



21.0975km (half maraphon)1:02:301:05:301:09:001:12:301:17:451:24:00
42.195km (marathon)2:13:002:20:002:28:302:38:002:50:00finish the distance
100km6:40:006:55:007:20:007:50:00finish the distance
24 hour run255km240km220km190km

Junior is a person who is not 18 years old.

Olympic Champions:

Elite, International Master of Sports, Master of Sports

National Champions:

Master of Sports, Candidate Master of Sports, First Class Sportsman

City-Level Champions:

First Class Sportsman, Second Class Sportsman, Third Class Sportsman, Youth First Class Sportsman

Keep in mind that these comparisons are only intended to serve as a general reference and do not provide an exact equivalence between the different ranking systems.